Upcoming Events
what is 15&5?
These short education sessions are free for staff and physicians in long term care homes in Ontario. Each session will provide fifteen minutes of education on a single ethics related topic, and five minutes for Q&A.
Date: February 13th - What to do if the resident and family disagree?
Time: 2:00 - 2:20 pm
Where: Zoom
what is 15&5?
These short education sessions are free for residents of long term care homes in Ontario and their family members. Each session will provide twenty minutes of education on a single ethics related topic, and ten minutes for Q&A.
Date: March 6th - What Information Does the Substitute Decision Maker Need?
Time: 2:00 - 2:30 pm
Where: Zoom
what is 15&5?
These short education sessions are free for long term care homes in Ontario that have taken part in the Provincial PoET Program. Each session either reviews an existing PoET tool, or presents a new one, leaving time for discussion and questions.