PoET and Related Resources
What Is Your Role in Decision Making?
Clarify your role in decision making as a healthcare provider, resident, SDM, and more.
Information about Substitute Decision Making
Are you a substitute decision maker? Do you need a substitute decision maker?
Role of Substitute Decision Maker Poster
Here’s a poster that you can print and put in your facility.
Treatment Plan Proposal Template
A template that highlights the elements of informed consent.
Individualized Summary FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions related to the PoET Individualized Summary Tool, and answers to them
Consent-Related Resources
PoET seeks to realign decision making with Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act, which requires that the patient/resident be kept at the center of decision making. PoET helps to ensure that long term care residents receive wanted and beneficial treatment, and do not receive unwanted or non-beneficial treatment.
What to Know When You Get Sick
When you get sick lots of people – doctors, nurses, family, and friends – will be wanting you to get better. This is what you need to know.
The PoET Project responds to our basic ethical obligation: to provide treatment that patients want and can benefit from; don’t provide treatment patients don’t want and can’t benefit from. Core to this is providing culturally sensitive care founded upon patient consent. In Ontario, there are a number of important resources for determining consent, provided here for your reference.
Consent and Capacity Board (CCB)
Applying for a Review of a Finding of Incapacity Regarding Treatment
Applying for a Review of a Finding of Incapacity regarding Admission to a Care Facility and/or Personal Assistance Services
Applying to Be Appointed a Representative to Make Decision(s) with Respect to Treatment, Admission to a Care Facility and/or Personal Assistance Services (Form C Info)
Applying to Determine Whether or Not the Substitute Decision Maker has Complied with the Rules for Substitute Decision Making
Planning Related Resources
The goal of the PoET Project is to help long-term care homes align with Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act so that consent is obtained at the time it is required, and treatment proposals are based on the resident’s current condition.
For those residents who are interested in planning for consent-related decisions please see the resources included below.
“What would be important if you or a loved one became seriously ill? Sometimes this happens over a period of time, but sometimes it happens quite quickly. Maybe you are so sick that you are unable to communicate. But there could be medical decisions that need to be made about the care you might receive, and doctors may ask your loved ones what your preferences would be. Who would speak for you? And do they know what your values and preferences are?”
Plan Well guide is a tool to help you learn about medical treatments and prepare you for decision-making during a serious illness, by helping you communicate important values and preferences. It’s about getting the medical care that’s right for you or your loved one.
Advance Care Planning is a process of thinking about and sharing your wishes for future health and personal care. It can help you tell others what would be important if you were ill and unable to communicate.